inmap preproc
inmap preproc
Preprocess CTM output
preproc preprocesses chemical transport model output as specified by information in the configuration file and saves the result for use in future InMAP simulations.
inmap preproc [flags]
--InMAPData string InMAPData is the path to location of baseline meteorology and pollutant data. The path can include environment variables.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/testInMAPInputData.ncf")
--Preproc.CTMType string Preproc.CTMType specifies what type of chemical transport model we are going to be reading data from. Valid options are "GEOS-Chem" and "WRF-Chem".
(default "WRF-Chem")
--Preproc.CtmGridDx float Preproc.CtmGridDx is the grid cell length in x direction [m] (default 1000)
--Preproc.CtmGridDy float Preproc.CtmGridDy is the grid cell length in y direction [m] (default 1000)
--Preproc.CtmGridXo float Preproc.CtmGridXo is the lower left of Chemical Transport Model (CTM) grid, x
--Preproc.CtmGridYo float Preproc.CtmGridYo is the lower left of grid, y
--Preproc.EndDate string Preproc.EndDate is the date of the end of the simulation. Format = "YYYYMMDD".
(default "No Default")
--Preproc.GEOSChem.ChemFileInterval string Preproc.GEOSChem.ChemFileInterval specifies the time duration represented by each GEOS-Chem output file. E.g. "3h" for 3 hours.
(default "3h")
--Preproc.GEOSChem.ChemRecordInterval string Preproc.GEOSChem.ChemRecordInterval specifies the time duration represented by each GEOS-Chem output record. E.g. "3h" for 3 hours.
(default "3h")
--Preproc.GEOSChem.Dash Preproc.GEOSChem.Dash indicates whether GEOS-Chem chemical variable names should be assumed to be in the form 'IJ-AVG-S__xxx' vs. the form 'IJ_AVG_S__xxx'.
--Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSA1 string Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSA1 is the location of the GEOS 1-hour time average files. [DATE] should be used as a wild card for the simulation date.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/preproc/GEOSFP.[DATE]")
--Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSA3Cld string Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSA3Cld is the location of the GEOS 3-hour average cloud parameter files. [DATE] should be used as a wild card for the simulation date.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/preproc/GEOSFP.[DATE]")
--Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSA3Dyn string Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSA3Dyn is the location of the GEOS 3-hour average dynamical parameter files. [DATE] should be used as a wild card for the simulation date.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/preproc/GEOSFP.[DATE]")
--Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSA3MstE string Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSA3MstE is the location of the GEOS 3-hour average moist parameters on level edges files. [DATE] should be used as a wild card for the simulation date.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/preproc/GEOSFP.[DATE]")
--Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSApBp string Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSApBp is the location of the constant GEOS pressure level variable file. It is optional; if it is not specified the Ap and Bp information will be extracted from the GEOSChem files.
--Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSChem string Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSChem is the location of GEOS-Chem output files. [DATE] should be used as a wild card for the simulation date.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/preproc/gc_output.[DATE].nc")
--Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSI3 string Preproc.GEOSChem.GEOSI3 is the location of the GEOS 3-hour instantaneous parameter files. [DATE] should be used as a wild card for the simulation date.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/preproc/GEOSFP.[DATE]")
--Preproc.GEOSChem.NoChemHourIndex If Preproc.GEOSChem.NoChemHourIndex is true, the GEOS-Chem output files will be assumed to not contain a time dimension.
--Preproc.GEOSChem.OlsonLandMap string Preproc.GEOSChem.OlsonLandMap is the location of the GEOS-Chem Olson land use map file, which is described here:
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/preproc/geoschem-new/")
--Preproc.StartDate string Preproc.StartDate is the date of the beginning of the simulation. Format = "YYYYMMDD".
(default "No Default")
--Preproc.WRFChem.WRFOut string Preproc.WRFChem.WRFOut is the location of WRF-Chem output files. [DATE] should be used as a wild card for the simulation date.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/preproc/wrfout_d01_[DATE]")
-h, --help help for preproc
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string config specifies the configuration file location.
- inmap - A reduced-form air quality model.
- inmap preproc combine - Combine preprocessed CTM output from nested grids