inmap sr start
inmap sr start
Start simulations to create an SR matrix
start starts the InMAP simulations necessary to create a source-receptor matrix.
inmap sr start [flags]
--InMAPData string InMAPData is the path to location of baseline meteorology and pollutant data. The path can include environment variables.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/testInMAPInputData.ncf")
--NumIterations int NumIterations is the number of iterations to calculate. If < 1, convergence is automatically calculated.
--VarGrid.CensusFile string VarGrid.CensusFile is the path to the shapefile or COARDs-compliant NetCDF file holding population information.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/testPopulation.shp")
--VarGrid.CensusPopColumns strings VarGrid.CensusPopColumns is a list of the data fields in CensusFile that should be included as population estimates in the model. They can be population of different demographics or for different population scenarios.
(default [TotalPop,WhiteNoLat,Black,Native,Asian,Latino])
--VarGrid.GridProj string GridProj gives projection info for the CTM grid in Proj4 or WKT format. (default "+proj=lcc +lat_1=33.000000 +lat_2=45.000000 +lat_0=40.000000 +lon_0=-97.000000 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370997.000000 +b=6370997.000000 +to_meter=1")
--VarGrid.HiResLayers int HiResLayers is the number of layers, starting at ground level, to do nesting in. Layers above this will have all grid cells in the lowest spatial resolution. This option is only used with static grids.
(default 1)
--VarGrid.MortalityRateColumns string VarGrid.MortalityRateColumns gives names of fields in MortalityRateFile that contain baseline mortality rates (as keys) in units of deaths per year per 100,000 people. The values specify the population group that should be used with each mortality rate for population-weighted averaging.
(default "{\"AllCause\":\"TotalPop\",\"AsianMort\":\"Asian\",\"BlackMort\":\"Black\",\"LatinoMort\":\"Latino\",\"NativeMort\":\"Native\",\"WhNoLMort\":\"WhiteNoLat\"}\n")
--VarGrid.MortalityRateFile string VarGrid.MortalityRateFile is the path to the shapefile containing baseline mortality rate data.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/testMortalityRate.shp")
--VarGrid.PopConcThreshold float PopConcThreshold is the limit for Σ(|ΔConcentration|)*combinedVolume*|ΔPopulation| / {Σ(|totalMass|)*totalPopulation}. See the documentation for PopConcMutator for more information. This option is only used with dynamic grids.
(default 1e-09)
--VarGrid.PopDensityThreshold float PopDensityThreshold is a limit for people per unit area in a grid cell in units of people / m². If the population density in a grid cell is above this level, the cell in question is a candidate for splitting into smaller cells. This option is only used with static grids.
(default 0.0055)
--VarGrid.PopGridColumn string VarGrid.PopGridColumn is the name of the field in CensusFile that contains the data that should be compared to PopThreshold and PopDensityThreshold when determining if a grid cell should be split. It should be one of the fields in CensusPopColumns.
(default "TotalPop")
--VarGrid.PopThreshold float PopThreshold is a limit for the total number of people in a grid cell. If the total population in a grid cell is above this level, the cell in question is a candidate for splitting into smaller cells. This option is only used with static grids.
(default 40000)
--VarGrid.VariableGridDx float VarGrid.VariableGridDx specifies the X edge lengths of grid cells in the outermost nest, in the units of the grid model spatial projection--typically meters or degrees latitude and longitude.
(default 4000)
--VarGrid.VariableGridDy float VarGrid.VariableGridDy specifies the Y edge lengths of grid cells in the outermost nest, in the units of the grid model spatial projection--typically meters or degrees latitude and longitude.
(default 4000)
--VarGrid.VariableGridXo float VarGrid.VariableGridXo specifies the X coordinate of the lower-left corner of the InMAP grid.
(default -4000)
--VarGrid.VariableGridYo float VarGrid.VariableGridYo specifies the Y coordinate of the lower-left corner of the InMAP grid. (default -4000)
--VarGrid.Xnests ints Xnests specifies nesting multiples in the X direction. (default [2,2,2])
--VarGrid.Ynests ints Ynests specifies nesting multiples in the Y direction. (default [2,2,2])
--VariableGridData string VariableGridData is the path to the location of the variable-resolution gridded InMAP data, or the location where it should be created if it doesn't already exist. The path can include environment variables.
(default "${INMAP_ROOT_DIR}/cmd/inmap/testdata/inmapVarGrid.gob")
--cmds strings cmds specifies the inmap subcommands to run. (default [run,steady])
--creategrid creategrid specifies whether to create the variable-resolution grid as specified in the configuration file before starting the simulation instead of reading it from a file. If --static is false, then this flag will also be automatically set to false.
-h, --help help for start
--memory_gb int memory_gb specifies the gigabytes of RAM memory required for this job. (default 20)
-s, --static static specifies whether to run with a static grid that is determined before the simulation starts. If false, the simulation runs with a dynamic grid that changes resolution depending on spatial gradients in population density and concentration.
Options inherited from parent commands
--addr string addr specifies the URL to connect to for running cloud jobs (default "")
--begin int begin specifies the beginning grid index (inclusive) for SR matrix generation.
--config string config specifies the configuration file location.
--end int end specifies the ending grid index (exclusive) for SR matrix generation. The default is -1 which represents the last row.
(default -1)
--job_name string job_name specifies the name of a cloud job (default "test_job")
--layers ints layers specifies a list of vertical layer numbers to be included in the SR matrix.
(default [0,2,4,6])
- inmap sr - Interact with an SR matrix.